Yamuna Nagar Sessions Division is headed by District & Sessions Judge, Yamuna Nagar at Jagadhri. Presently, Sessions Division has sanctioned strength of one District & Sessions Judge, Five Additional District & Sessions Judges, a court of Civil Judge (Senior Division)-cum-Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate, a court of Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum-Additional Civil Judge (Senior Division), and 07 courts of Civil Judges (Junior Division)-cum-Judicial Magistrates. All of the Civil Judges also exercise the powers of Judicial Magistrates and Rent Controllers. The District & Sessions Judge and Additional District & Sessions Judges exercise powers of Appellate Authority under the Haryana Urban (Control of Rent Restriction) Act, 1973 and as Motor Accident Claims Tribunal. The pecuniary jurisdiction of appellate courts as well as of the Civil Judges (Senior Division) is unlimited. The Civil Judges (Junior Division) exercise jurisdiction in original civil suits upto the value of rupees two lac and on completion of three years service also exercise jurisdiction in the cases above the value of rupees two lac. A H.C.S. (Judicial Branch) Officer primarily on his appointment invested with the powers of a Judicial Magistrate 2nd Class and on completion of training of one year, he is invested with Ist Class powers as well[...]
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- District Legal Services Authority, Yamunanagar Cost Deposit
- Uploading Cyber awareness information on District Court websites
- Benches for 3rd National Lok Adalat during the year 2024, to be held on 14.09.2024.
- Constitution of Sexual Harrassment Committee(internal complaint committee) for Sub Division, Bilaspur
- Hon’ble the Supreme Court of India is organizing a Special Lok Adalat from 29.07.2024 to 03.08.2024 (HindI).
- Hon’ble the Supreme Court of India is organizing a Special Lok Adalat from 29.07.2024 to 03.08.2024.
- PUBLIC NOTICE–Quotation are invited from authorized suppliers/seller for purchase of UPS Batteries for Server